As we raced down the sidewalk, dripping with sweat I realized the sidewalk was coming to an end. Trying to impress my friend with speed and agility I proceeded to jump the curb. While doing so the front tire on my bike came loose and rolled out from under me. Therefore, sending me head over heels face first into the concrete, I felt the gritty concrete grinding away at my teeth and face as I slid to a inevitable stop. Within seconds I could feel the sharp stinging of the raw flesh on my face and saw the crimson color of blood on my hands. Shortly after a deep pain erupted in my side, feeling as though I would lose conciousness I managed to open my eyes and see several people rushing toward me. In what felt like seconds I was surrounded by fireman, policeman, and EMS personnel. I was soon after rolled onto a backboard and squeezed into a strangling neck brace. While being rushed to the hospital I was jabbed with multiple painful needles and within moments I was in the midst of the ER surrounded by doctors and nurses. After numerous X-rays, cat scans, and blood testings, the doctor informed me and my family that I had ruptured my spleen, and it was beyond repair. As I was rushed into immediate surgery I remember seeing my family and friends gathered around me, telling me that everything would be alright. Waving goodbye I was pushed through the doors and fell into a deep sleep.
When I awoke sixteen hours later I was surrounded by flowers, cards, candy, close friends, and family. I was completely confused, not realizing everything that had happened to me in the past twenty-four hours. The doctor was shortly called in and explained everything that had been done in my surgery. I was then introduced to my eight inch, twenty-six staple scar. The next four days of my life consisted of a strenuous recovery including dry heaving, fatigue, and obtaining the ability to walk again. After recovery most of my scars healed and I was able to go back to school and live a normal life. Allowing me to share, my brush with death.
Hi, Spencer,
Heartwrenching short story. It's sad whenever someone is injuried, but its even sadder when it happens to an innocent little kid. So glad you made it through like a champ, and our lives crossed paths.
Hey Spencer,
I thought you did a really good job with details and keeping the readers attention. I agree with Peggie, I am thankful you are okay to! -Dora
Good post, with incredible details I really felt like I could see the scene of the crash and you laying in the hospital. I glad you were able to make it through the operation with no problems. Well written post- Matt
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