Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Essay Critique" Stereotying of Arabs By The U.S. Ensures Years Of Turmoil" by Spencer Lynch

I believe that Edward truely gets his point across when he speaks of the stereotyping of Arabs in America. Although, I do not believe that America is to blame for the problems in the Middle East. I do not think it is fair that American citizens categorize one another, but that is what becomes of it when people are applicable to freedoms and rights. They are allowed to say whatever they feel without any consequences, and Edward makes it clear that this is what creates the termoil, America is the main source to blame.
I know America is not responsible for "termoil" in the Middle East. The termoil in the Middle East is brought on by war between its surrounding territories, amongst the people. The worst part about it is that we are trying to help this corrupted group of people, and form a stable economic government out of them.

1 comment:

Spencer Dora Peggie Matt said...

Good post , Spencer, but we can sometimes help my staying out of others affairs.
