Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Essay Critique "Talking Back" by Matt Duncan

After reading the essay "Talking Back", by bell hooks I realized how in a country where everyone is allowed to speak freely and write whatever comes to mind, we as Americans take speaking for granted. Growing up in the 50s, 60s, and 70s bell hooks was mistreated and discriminated against for not only being a woman, but for being a black woman who was trying to grow and prosper in a time of racial charged discrimination. Hooks states thats, "To speak then when one was not spoken to was a courageous act--an act of risk and daring." I can not even fathom growing up in a time where speaking when you weren't spoken do was so looked down upon. As many times as I got into trouble growing up just for talking back to my parents or for interrupting someone at the dinner table. I know that I will never be able to fully comprehend what bell hooks went through, because I am not black and I am not a woman. However, I do realize how I use my ability to speak freely and write whats on my mind without having to worry about what anyone may think about my work; because of pioneers like bell hooks, I too can "Talk Back."

Matt Duncan